Tariq Moen


Location: South Asia

Tariq Moen, an associate of GoCrisis is an emergency response and safety professional who headed the Emergency Response Planning (ERP) Departments of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and Oman Air after starting his career back in 1977 as an Instructor in Civil Defence (Fire & Rescue). He is the Honorary General Secretary of Pakistan Red Crescent Society (Sindh), and Founder Secretary of Fire Protection Association of Pakistan (FPAP). His career has been inspired by his legendary father, Moenuddin, Tamgha e Shujaat, a Bomb Disposal Chief and Deputy Director of Civil Defence.

During the last four decades, Tariq has attained unique experience in training people and organizations in over 15 countries on five continents in both an official capacity and through voluntary engagements. As part of his voluntary work, he served as the elected Regional Representative for the IATA Emergency Response Planning Task Force, representing South Asia.

In Pakistan, Tariq also coordinated a Mega-Flood Relief Operation with the WHO & United Nations Humanitarian Air Services in 2010,, and represented the country on international forums such as the Confederation of Fire Protection Association – Asia (CFPA-A), NFPA USA, FPA UK, FPA Australia.

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Intan Darlina Muhammad

Senior Associate, Family Assistance

Location: South Asia

Darlina Muhammad is well known worldwide for her outstanding contribution as Caregiver Manager for three tragedies, most recently Malaysia Airlines flights MH17 and MH370, where she led hundreds of caregivers in Beijing, Amsterdam and Kota Kinabalu. Darlina worked for Malaysia Airlines for 18 years where she trained cabin crew, cadet pilots, engineering trainees, external/third party training as well as staff in general. She was also an associate trainer with the Emergency Response team. In addition, Darlina headed Events for the Company under Corporate Communications, did Market Research (Qualitative), Business Administration, Risk Management & Business Continuity.

Darlina completed a BA (Hons) English Studies in University of Kent, Canterbury, UK and started her career with lecturing English and Drama to International Baccalaureate students for two years before venturing into the hospitality and media industry. Darlina was also a news presenter for several years on Traxx.fm.

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